
Thursday, 22 December 2011

London 2012

 As I write this there are 218 days to go before the opening of the London 2012 games, and I have to say I really can't wait. Ever since that moment when London won the vote and become the host city for the games I have been so excited. I really believe it will be a very special moment in London's proud sporting history. So yes I am one of those that is 100% behind the games and the benefits they will bring.

You see for me sport is one of those amazing things in life that unites people, even rivals share a common moment. Sport is about pride, passion, and winning, and these are emotions that all countries need. If you have a winning mentality, it transcends into every aspect of your life and then you win at other things. The same is said for pride and passion, and I totally believe that London will be a better place during and after the games.

The UK is somewhere which likes a moan, our media does love to paint the picture of the glass half empty, already the stories are about rising costs, where as they should be about things like being ahead of schedule, which we already are, and building the stadium inside budget, which it did. Plus the massive regeneration od that part of London, which has already happened.

I was very lucky to live and work in South Africa for the World Cup there in 2010. To see and feel the atmosphere, to be surrounded by the pride and passion in the city and the country was amazing, and that in a country that was not really into football, just gave me a taste for how London will embrace the games in 218 days time. It really is going to be a wonderful time and a really wonderful show.

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